It was a beauitful day here in nj to go hiking.
So we packed a lunch and some chairs and off we went,
to the Watchung Mts, which are only about half hour from us.
We had some lunch first, then it was time to hike.
it was so nice being together as has family, and just
getting away from it all. enjoy the pictures.
here is the park's website!

ashley wanted to take our picture, nice job.
i think she might have a hobby taking pictures.

I did it a 3 mile hike, i have lost 40 pounds and now a size 10
i still have more to go but i can hike, run, and do anything with my family.
It Feels Great!

ashley hiked three miles she was a real trooper, she loves nature.

ashley discovered a piece of clay

like mother like daughter

ashley trying to catch up to her daddy!

after we were done hiking ashley wanted to practice some soccer skills.
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