Happy Earth Day!
Today was Earth Day, so Ashley wanted to start her garden.
Since grandma has a sun room, we started all the seeds inside
in small pots and then we will plant them in the yard when
they get bigger. Also here in NJ we need to wait for the
last frost hopefully soon. Ashley was so funny, Today
grandma was brushing her teeth and she had the water running,
Ashley said" grandma you need to save the water because you
cannot waste water, we need to save the Earth.
Wow! that's from a 4 and half yr old.
We all should listen to our children try to clean up our yards
and save water too. .
It does help!
Enjoy the rest of earth day everyone!

the finshed plan

time to get dirty

the seeds

need some water

a little tlc kissing her veggies good bye
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