Happy 5th birhtday to you !
we had ashley's 5th birthday party early this year.
she had few friends over for a pool party!
all the girls had fun in the pool!
ashley wil be 5 on sept 1 .
Wow! Time Flys!

Yummy! cupcakes!

Fun with bubbles

pool time

the girls having fun the swings

Scarlett and ashley

Ashley,Alexa and Scarlett

make a wish!

the girls enjoying their cupcakes!

stephanie, alaina, and maykayla

ashley with her friends

Ashley saying goodbye to her friend Scarlett
Scrarlett and ashley are fron the smae orphange and they
are only a year apart. This two have a special bond between them.

ashley just relaxing after all her frinds left!
Thank you everyone ashley loved all the gifts!
1 comment:
Happy Early Birthday, Ashley! It looks like you had a blast!
wow, 2 movies!! You will have to remind us when they come out. Won't be long before Ashley has lines to say, I just know it.
I can't believe there are only 2months difference in Ashley's and Luci's ages. I think it must be the birth order--Ashley is first, and Luci is treated like the baby of the family. There is another Chinese daughter here that we are close to...she seems really advanced, although the same mentla ability, I think. It must be birth order. (just thinking out loud)
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