i love baseball, Ashley and jay in front of the score
board in Camden yards.

Camden yards! This is stadium is very nice.
It was alot cheaper to take Ashley here
than to Yankee stadium. It was her fist
major league baseball. she had lots of fun!
She had,popcorn, ice cream and lemonade.
she was cheering,dancing and clapping until
she got tired.
It was a great two days being away as a Family!

Do not be fooled by this pretty face I am to Ready Win!

Mommy and Ashley sharing a lemonade

i love being with my daddy!

us before the game started we are not orioles fans or
or Boston red sox fans of course we are Yankee fans
but it was Ashley's 1st major league baseball game.
She had lots of fun!

the was the 5th inning of the game ashley just
wanted to go to bed.

puffin( The mascot of the Aquarium) and Ashley

lets go Iam ready i have the map
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