Ashley just loves being a girl.
She will be 4 years old in two months,Wow!
Time flys. She loves getting her hair,
nails and toes done.
Since mommy is hair dresser and manicurist
i do her her nails and toes for her.
She knows every step in a manicure. If i skip something
on her she tells me. I cannot get away with anything.
Today we went to beauty supply store and she pick out her polish .
I guess this just the beginning of her growing up.
These pictures are from last week.
I have not taken any pictures this week,
since we having a heat wave we been the pool most of the time.
stay cool everyone.

letting her toes and nails dry

pretty nails, mommy knows how to paint design on nails put I had some
stickers thats works too.

mommy cheated and put stickers on her toes
1 comment:
I love that girly stuff! Luci loves getting her nails painted, too, but I'm not a pro like you are. Lucky, lucky Ashley! She is looking so adorable and grown up, she looks almost 5 instead of 4. Where do those baby looks go??
Luci's birthday is in Oct. Not too far off Ashley's. Funny that we have the same bedding! Another mom of a Chinese girl told me that they have that bedding, too. :) We also love Hannah Montana, I ahd to talk Luci out of that one (I still want the little girl stuff).
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