ashley reading a book in her room. Actually she loves to
listen to stories on cd. She follows the story
with her finger. She is getting too big.
Preschool update
Today I had my first teacher's meeting as a parent. wow!
That was weird. ashley is very good student and is very
head for her age. The teacher loves her very much.
She is great helper in the classroom and puts away all the
toys and books. i guessshe gets her neatsness from her mom. lol.
we just have work on cutting with scissors.
My fault I hided the scissors.
She knows how to cut but we have to practice more not
holding the paper. which is normal for her age.
Otherwise ashley is great student .
Ashley favorite is story time. When they have free time
in the classroom she will get a book.
I already have to sign her up for next year. Crazy.
She will go 3 days next year to
prepare for kindergarden . wow!
She is growing too fast.
I have to say jason and I are doing a great job as parents
sitting with her and teaching her letters,numbers, shapes
and she is starting to read . wow!
We blessed to have her as a daughter.
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