Ashley was so thrilled to spend some time today with her dance teacher Miss Nicole. She was performing in a magic show as the beautiful assistant.
The Newark Kids Museum had so many activities going on this weekend for the kids.
It was called Circus Science, sponsored by Ringling Brothers.
We toured the whole museum looking at exhibits. Ashley loved everything,
she was sad when we were leaving. She really enjoyed herself. It was a fun day!
It only took her 5 minutes to fall asleep on the way home.

Ashley holding on to the trapeze .
look at those pointed toes, wow!
A real natural, the guy who helped her
couldn't believe she was holding on by herself.

This is how tall Ashley would be in stacks of dimes or ten dollar bills!

Ashley wanted a ladybug balloon because she was a ladybug for dance in her bug routine.

Oh! No! Where did Nicole go?

Nicole reappeared

The beautiful assistant drawing a bowling ball,
then it appeared.

Nicole getting sawed in half

Ashley with her beautiful dance teacher Miss Nicole.
Nicole will be leaving Dance Starz Academy for a few months.
She will be cruising with Celebrity Cruise Lines as a Dancer
in one of their shows. We wish Miss Nicole the best of luck and
she will be dearly missed.

ashley is cutting out the clown to learn how to balance it on her fingers.