This week is going to be a busy week for us.
Ashley, will start school, has dance, has soccer
practice, and is going be a wedding on friday!
mom will be running around crazy. here our schedule .
Monday-getting things organize for the wedding
waiting to hear back for the modeling agency .
I had take pictures of Ashley in winter clothes for
Benetton the clothing company, they are very interested
in Ashley for a fit model and a print ad model as well,
i hope she gets it. it will be a long term contract.
Tuesday-after reading/writing program which were
paying extra to send Ashley to help her read better.
it is a program where there is only 8 kids in class .
they do reading/writing skills. They have story time
and do a craft. it is a two half hours class for the whole
school year. i was very impressed when i went to met the
school, and what the program was all about.
i know ashley will enjoy it.
wed, orientation for school, then to dance class
mom has nails costumers to do for the wedding
Thursday, getting nails, done Ashley too. soccer
practice at night.
Friday school morning, then i will be getting my
hair done while Ashley in school, then Jason will
pick her up then drop her off to get her hair done.
then it is off to the wedding for pictures 1:30.
i plan on having a great time . Of course will take lots
Are you tired of reading it this i know i was tired from typing it.
my calendar is crazy but it all works out in the end .
Who says being a fulltime mom is not a job, well it is !
it more then a full time job, besides all the running around i do
oh yeah! i cook, and clean. But I would not want it any other way!
I love being a mom !