Friday, February 22, 2008


Today we had more snow. We got at least 6 inches.
Ashley and Flash a had great time. Mommy had to
shovel. Wow! Mommy is very tired from shoveling.
ashley and flash both took naps while mommy
scrapbook. It was a great to relax today .
Hopefully,We are done with the winter.
No more Snow Please!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


ashley on her swing set in the snow we had last week.
It was just enough to play in. we have been lucky
this year with the snow .hopefully will not get anymore
but the weather is calling for more this weekend .
maybe ashley will be able to build a snowman she has
been talking about it. I hope not I hate it.
This mommy wants Spring.

brr its cold out here

ashley with flash

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

miss valentine

We had a nice valentines day . Ashley went school.
They had a party she came with lots of cards.
When she came home her daddy called and gave her
directions to bring mommy on treasure hunt. Ashley lead
me to our bedroom and she was looking under the bed.
She pulled something out it was a new digtial camera.
Wow! Mommy has moved up in the world. It is a very easy
camera to use I just have to get use it . And now i have remember
to download everything . I will still use my 35 mm for
scrapbooking events.
Thanks Jay it was a great gift.

cupcake fun

ashley and her grandma making cupcakes for valentines day.
ashley enjoys baking and cooking . She had a great time
with her grandma.

ashley hates her hands dirty but she having fun.

ashley being very neat with the iceing.

Ashley her grandma decroting cupcakes.

those were the best cupcakes ever, thanks grandma it was fun

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


roller skating

ashley on her own . Go ashley Go!

ashley and alexa

mommy and ashley

We took ashley for the first time roller skating.
She is a natrual. She got right up on her own and
skated on her own too.Mommy even put skates on.
It been a long time sine I skated. It was
fun. Ashley met her friend Alexa there.
The girls had a great time.

Friday, February 08, 2008

happy new year

ashley poutfit we got in china. And our friend gave us the lattern from

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Ni-hao Kailan

What the Show's About: "Ni hao!" That means "hi" in Chinese--and that's how
Kai-lan greets you every day! Kai-lan Chow is an exuberant Chinese-American
preschooler, almost 6, who wants you to come play with her and her best friends.
Kai-lan's world is infused with Chinese culture and is brimming with magical
sights and sounds, and everywhere you turn there's something amazing and
beautiful to see. Along the way, she and her bilingual buddies speak in English
and Chinese, but they always need kids' help to find creative solutions to the
daily dilemmas that come their way!

Ashley already saw it. you have comcast on demand their
already an epsiode on there. It was really cute.
It almost like dora. It is on everyday at 11. I am sure
they will repaet it more during the day .

have a great chinese new year !
The year of the Rat!

Monday, February 04, 2008

chess anyone


Ashley learned how to play chess. Her Daddy Loves the game.
Ashley got the hang of it. Jason drew out the pieces for
her so she can study their names. She knows all their names .
And she even Won!

My new bed

big girl

This weeknd Ashley finally got a full size bed! She is
so exictied to have it. Now she has a girlie room.
Her comforter set is yellow with purple and flowers
on it. I just order new curtains and other comfroter
set to change it in a few motnhs. Of course we had to
order Disney Princesses. Since Ashley been calling herself a
Princess . I also took ashley to church. She been asking
me to take her so i did. she was great in church .
She followed all the prayers and she was singing too.
I just wish our church at preschool program they start
ccd classes in the 1st grade. This kid really into learning
everything. So mommy will take as much as i can .
It so amazing how much she knows. Last week she was
watching President Bush on tv. She told my mom thats
the President of the united states in on tv and mommy
and daddy went to china and brought to the united states.
And she is an chinese American . WOW!
I think she is going to like history.
Since ashley can write now i got her a book how spell the each
state and what there symbols are the book you can at walmart.
We had a busy weeknd. we had birthday party to go on saturday
and sunday the superbowl . Congrats New York Gaints.
I like football but jason does not watch it . But we did
watch the game together.
This week is normal with dance and school.
And thursday is chinese new year . Ashley will be
clebrating at school. I am giving out chinese take out
boxes with little toys in them . Then she going to
cook with mommy and daddy . Shirmp Lo mein.
Ashley loves cook she has lots of talents .I try
every chinese new year to do something with her.
We will be also doing a craft. Making a rat .
the internet has a lot great ideas.
She is no more little baby she is A Big Girl !
I will have pictures by the end of the week.
Since i still do not have digtial camera . i think
i am getting one for our 8 year anniversary next month.
Saty Warm.