Today was Ashley's first dentist appointment! Wow! It went great! She went in the chair not
a problem! She wacthed her tv shows while getting her teeth done! She was so exitctied to go! Who would think a three year old would love the dentist ! Her teeth are great ! Sorry no pictures i forgot to bring my camera! Also I will updated you on Ashley going to school! This kid knows when knows when it is Tuesday and Thursday morning she wakes with a smile and says
I have school today! She runs when the door opens! She just says bye mom see you later! The
teacher loves her! She is a great helper in the classroom and loves to learn! Mommy is enjoying
going to the gym! This mommy also joined weight wathcers and lost 10 pounds in two weeks!
I feel so much better! I still have more to go but it feels great! I will have more pictures soon, I am just catching up on some scrapbooking ! Tomorrow I will have some me time,I am going to scrapbook workshop for 4 hours ! Just with women! I will be so happy to hear adult talk!
I know all you mommys who have three year old go batty hearing dora, and other cartoons
all the time! I had some me today while was napping, jason was off from work so I did a few
things with my mom! I have ashley now 12 hours a day! I do go a little nuts in toddler world
all day! Sometimes I feel like I am single mom with Jason's work hours but i know he working hard to support us! So all you moms out there get some me time it does make you feel better!