Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ashley and Great Grandpa Roger

My Hero!

Ashley andher Daddy before Daddy went out to collect for the fund drive . Her daddy is a

Woodbridge volunteer firemen ! Ashley knows what the fire truck sounds likes and knows of course

The Lets Go yankees Chant!

got milk!

Ashley eating her morning breakfast ! She loves her food!


Ashley having fun in the yard while i was blowing bubbles at her . She loves Bubbles.

Pretty flowers!

AuntJackie showing Ashley all the pretty flowers in Uncle Steven's and Aunt Peggy's yard.

wow! so many candles!

Ashley helping Great Grandpa- Ring with his birthday candles. Aunt Jackie is helping too!

new shades!

Ashley loves sun glasses. She will point to her eyes and say eyes please!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

BiG Girl!

NA NA I can swing on the big girl swing too . Ashley loves the swing the set. We have been

home for 5 months, and Ashley is 20 months old. We are doing great ! We love being a family.

Ashley talks up a storm now, and is forming words together . She still goes to her swim lessons

once a week and now is using the bubble to swim by herself. We are blessed to have her

in our family!!

New Swing Set !

This swing set took Daddy most of the day to put it together , more like mommy had to help

too because Daddy was running out of steam. Finallly I can have some fun inthe yard!!

Emily and ME

Ashley and Emily having fun on the slide.

We are cool!

Ashley andMommy hanging out at the park showing off our new haircuts!!

Family Day!

It Was Family we went to the Staten Island Zoo. We all had great time!

Daddy's Little Girl!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Best Friends

Ashley andMikayla in a Chinese garden in Staten Isalnd New York. It was so beauitful. Itlooked

like we were back in china. The girls had a great changing their clothes and poseing for pictures.

lunch time !

Time for lunch! Ashley loves her food.

just hanging out!

Ashley and Mikayla taking a break from walking around the zoo. They both had great time.